First Baptist Church is dedicated to the process of demonstrating and sharing the love of Christ to others. The vision of the church aligns with how we go about this: putting our faith into action that confronts human needs in Arkadelphia and around the world.
Since 1974, FBCA has served in mission’s efforts in 20 states and over 13 countries worldwide. Locally, a project called Arms Around Arkadelphia is a centerpiece of how the church serves the community. When it comes to how the church sets the budget, there is over double the amount of ministry budget set aside for missions (12%) than there is on church programs (6%). FBCA is a church community that financially gives and physically participates in mission’s in Arkadelphia and around the world. From mission trips to Arkansas Baptist Disaster Relief efforts, the missional approach of the church is interwoven in every decision and program within the church. In addition to age-specific missions, there are also church-wide opportunities to serve:
One of the traditions of FBCA is serving the community of Arkadelphia through a project called Arms Around Arkadelphia. Each summer, teams of people from FBCA and other local churches work together on house projects for people in need. For more information, fill out the Serve Connect Card.
Connection Church in Astoria, NYC is an official church partner of FBCA. We believe in what God is doing in New York, and there are ways for you to be involved. Connection church needs you to pray for them. God is at work and also needs mission teams at specific times throughout the year. These events include an Easter egg hunt, Trick-or-Treat event, and December coat giveaway. For more information on prayer support, updates, or mission teams, contact the FBCA Office or fill out the Serve Connect Card below.
OCC has been a longstanding ministry of FBCA and our church is the official drop-off location for Clark County. There is a need for both volunteers and ministry leaders with OCC. Be in prayer for how God wants to use each Christmas shoebox to share the Gospel with children throughout the world. If you are interested in how to get involved or want more information, fill out the Serve Connect Card.